The Problem With Christ

The Problem With Christ; Why we don't understand Jesus, His enemies, or the early ChurchThe Problem With Christ; Why we don't understand Jesus, His enemies, or the early Church by Christopher Gorton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Men suppose their reason has command over their words; still it happens that words in return exercise authority on reason." ~ Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English statesman and philosopher; precursor of British empiricism; advocated inductive reasoning

Thanks to Christopher Gorton’s easy and quickly read book, which I had the privilege of reading and commenting on before its public publication, I discovered an amazing Biblical example of the truth of Sir Francis’ quote above.

I learned that the Greek word, 'christos’, does not mean 'Christ'. I also learned that, for Jesus’ first Followers, ‘mashiach’ no longer meant “anointed one”, literally “smeared with oil.

Chris clearly documents that both christos and mashiach are each most accurately translated not as Christ or Messiah in English. His excellent research reveals that the English word Christ is an inaccurate, traditional, transliteration, and not an accurate translation. (A transliteration conveys only similarity of sound ..not accurate meaning!)

While proving this for me, Chris puts to rest, once and for all, that Christos was certainly NOT Jesus' second name, which both some Christians and most non-Followers actually believe.

Pastors and Christians who love their Bibles will enjoy exploring with Chris why translators since the King James Bible have hidden this fact from modern Christians. And they did so in languages other than English.

Chris does not play “conspiracy theorist” around this intriguing conundrum. But, I had a fascinating time doing so. I concocted my own theory as to why we’ve not been told the whole truth by Bible translators and scholars who should know what Chris reveals least those in the modern age with the Biblical tools and resources now available.

"So what?", you may ask? "What's the big deal about a word?" You decide after reading Christopher’s enlightening book. But please remember that Satan has been practicing "semantic sedition" for a reason since he first conned Adam and Eve.

Plus “this truth will set you free” and open new vistas to our Saviour as you substitute the correct translation for Christ and Messiah as you read Scripture and sing the old hymns and modern worship songs.

You can follow other discoveries Chris has made on Facebook and Twitter as he continues to explore the ancient, real meanings of other sacrosanct, Christian words ...words like ‘apostle’, ‘church’, and others. That truth will enrich your understanding of the Bible as well.

Be enlightened and blessed by this book,

View all my reviews

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How To Live & Love Longer & Better

Another Patton Associates S-M-A-R-TBriefing

“Science Confirms How We Can Live Longer With Higher Quality of Life”

by: Gary F. Patton (gfp'42™)

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? There’s “Good News”! You’ll be glad to hear that even Zoomers can live longer ...better!

A ‘Zoomer’ * if you're not sure is a "Baby Boomer with Zip”!  And ‘Boomers‘ are the huge, post-WW II generation born between 1943 or ‘46 and 1964, depending on which expert one reads.

There will be over one Billion of we Boomers who are over 65 by the year 2030. Our continuing lack of excellent wellness could bankrupt our much fewer children and grandchildren who will be working and paying taxes to fund Medicare.
“Watch what you eat.  Poor choices can kill you because not all so-called food is healthy nor created equal!” ~ gfp '42™

You Won't Believe It. ..But It Is True!

Thankfully, there's a brand new health study, recently released, that offers hope. This hope is for not only longer life for we Boomers and members of all other GENs. But the hope is also a future without as much pain, discomfort, and anguishing death which too-often now accompanies ageing.

Given "The Terrible Trifecta" of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease plaguing Westerners, even those in their 20s, THIS IS FABULOUS NEWS!

The study results represent an incredible breakthrough in research on wellness and quality of life. That’s because for the first time, it’s been proven that a diet ..."The Mediterranean Diet"... can be as effective as drugs in preventing heart attacks, strokes and deaths from cardiovascular disease. 

And this diet does so without the added, high cost or debilitating side-effects of drugs.

Plus, you may eat all you want as outlined by the nutrition expert in the video linked at: Mediterranean Diet Has Huge Health Benefits, New Study Finds.

You can read about the results of this impressive double blind, research study of 7500 Westerners here. It’s even more intriguing because the results were so clear and so dramatic, this research project was actually stopped early.
It's What God Already Said!

The study demonstrates, with irrefutable medical proof, what God said thousands of years ago when He caused His "Story Of Creation" to be documented. In the Christian/Hebrew Bible, our loving Heavenly Father lays down his "Perfect Diet" for His "Perfect Pleasing Creation" … we wo(men). (In His story, God named both genders 'Adam'.)

God’s ideal diet is short, sweet, and appetizing. It includes the vast collection and exotic variety of all fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and grains. You can read about God’s perfect diet in context in Genesis 1:29.
Science finally agrees with God in this Study ...again! (Human Genome researchers had previously proven every wo(men) alive today has the same two common ancestors.)
It's Also What God Showed Us!
About 15 years ago, Karen, my life partner of 47 years, was diagnosed with the "Big C". There was a huge tumour in her colon. I had already been seriously ill and totally unable to work for over 3 1/2 years because of Chronic Fatigue & Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS)*.
We were scared! We didn't know what to do!!
We'd had first-hand experience with Doctors destroying the quality of life of Karen's sister with their normal cancer treatments, i.e., burn, cut, and poison someone with an already compromised immune system. We wondered how this was much different than blood-letting of sick people ...not long ago stopped by Doctors as disastrous? Karen was legitimately leery.
In the nick of time, God led us to a simple, low-cost lifestyle change which is similar to the one analyzed in this ground-breaking study, but different in two crucial ways. You can read about the miraculous healings which resulted for both Karen and me.

And Now God Has Led Us To Another Miracle Food!
If you wish to enhance your longevity and wellness even more, don’t eat even the limited amounts of flesh that Mediterranean people eat. Fish and other sea products are carriers of deadly Heavy Metals and other toxins. Even so-called organic pond-grown fish are often full of the unhealthy bacteria that thrived in their stagnant growing-habitat.

As for red-meat, what other horrors can I share which you that you don’t already know about.

But you may not know that there is an even better source than fish of “Essential Fatty Acids” (EFAs) ...especially Omega 3s which you’re always hearing about because it’s so crucial to your family’s well-being. And that superior source of all EFAs is an easy-to eat and digest, inexpensive seed that is readily available at your local bulk store.

That source which deserves the name ‘Superfood’ is Chia Seed. You can discover the stupendous benefits of Chia here.

“Add years to your life plus added quality of life to those years by taking control of  your wellness back from the hands of all healthcare practitioners whom you should allow to consult to you only!" ~ gfp '42™

* Credit for the invention and development of the name ‘Zoomer’, plus its companion “Zoomer Philosophy”, goes to Canadian entrepreneur Moses Znaimer.
* * Medical Science, by the way, doesn't call cancer, like CFIDS, a ‘syndrome’ any more. That's because Cancer Researchers knew over 50 years ago what causes it. They knew, disgracefully, even before engineering the launch of Pres. Nixon's totally unsuccessful, money-sink called "The War on Cancer". Pure and simple, Science has known cancer is primarily a “Lifestyle Disease” for a very long time. Lifestyle Diseases are also what most diabetes and heart problems are as well ...the other dis-eases of the "Terrible Triplets". (Sure, the genes of some of us may also be involved. But, our 'tendencies' do not have to condemn us as our 'destinies'!)
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